Carbon Sense

Reducing CO2 Emissions From The Industrial Sector

Using Shewanella bacteria to generate electricity from compost.


In the United States of America, the combustion of fossil fuels to produce energy for process heating releases 1.01 billion tonnes of CO2 annually into the atmosphere, which significantly contributes to global warming.

1.01 B
Tonnes of CO2


Our solution uses compost to generate electricity while staying net-zero. The compost is gathered from local communities brought from waste management trucks. The compost is then put into the Box. A bacteria called Shewanella is then added into the Box to generate energy from the compost. To generate the electricity an anode and cathode are used.


25% of CO2 in the US is generated from the industrial sector. By using our net-zero solution approximately 1.25 billion tonnes of CO2 could be stopped from being emitted.

Co2 emitted
1.25 B
Tonnes of CO2

From industry experts

Sofia Banaov
CTO, Aquacycl
Amazing solution!!

"Microbial fuel cells can be used as alternative energy source and they are an ideal source to reduce carbon emissions."